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Our Extended Family




A visit to Grandpa Lou and Grandma JoAnne Bouffler's (2007)

Breakfast is served

Boo-Boo and Pee-Wee

Randy and Dad

Lou and Son

Grandpa, Kyle and Kerri

Happy Couple

Dad and JoAnn

An Easter Visit to Mom's (The Alie Side of the Family, 2007)

Randy Bouffler and Family, Alan Bouffler and Family
Mom and Frank, Aunts Micki and Dolores, James McKeown (Micki's son)
and Donna Chisholm (Micki's daughter) and Family

Randy, Alan and Aunt Dolores

Who's taller?

Sheri Bouffler
Alan's wife

Dalton Bouffler
Alan's son

Aunt Micki and
Cousin James

Easter with Family

Aunt Micki
"Say Cheese "

How was dinner?

Laurie Bouffler (Randy's wife)
and Micki

Cousin Donna
playing grandma?

Donna and Laurie

I want dessert, NOW!

Mom (Grandma Dolly) and another cute chick

Alan and Sheri taking a break

Mommie One and Mommie Too

Kyle, Randy, Kerri and Laurie

Alan, Dalton and Sheri

Bat Ears to go with the Batman Utility Belt?

Baily with Mom, Dad (Marzy) and Uncle James

It's official -
Twins Think and Act Alike

Micki, we still see you


Menacing Kerri

Didja hear the one about the dinosaur...?

Laurie and Kerri

Donna brought us a "used cake"

Was it something I said?


Cousins Andi and Jen Invade Orlando

Alan and I had to defend the home turf...2008

Getting ready for the Park

Laurie enjoying our hotel room

Andi's son Joshua, twin #1

And this is Brandon, twin #2

Randy and Andi

Typical Loving Couple?

Andi and Jen

Randy and Alan

Us again

Randy, Kyle and Kerri on the Kraken

Posing with the Real Kraken (?)

Samantha and Kerri at the Penguin Encounter

More Penguin Encounter

Polar Bears aren't so scary


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